A teen-aged girl can be among the most vulnerable of human beings. And the preyed-upon young woman at the dark center of Jenna’s Case is certain to win the heart of readers. Believing Jenna Radcliff to be the victim of a Brooklyn doctor willing to put greed above his oath to do no harm, Tug takes on her case with deeply felt zeal. Yet what he quickly comes to understand is that his new client—once an obviously bright, outgoing girl (and ace neighborhood jump-roper)—is now a nearly mute shadow of her former self. As he proceeds to amass evidence against the conscienceless and defiant surgeon who’d willfully mutilated Jenna, Tug unfortunately soon discovers that the forces set against him are not only more numerous than he’d imagined but also more deadly.
Jenna’s Case, Tug Wyler & Me
Motive, motive, motive: Tug Wyler knows (just as I do, and as all attorneys must) that if you carefully seek out the “why” of a person’s conduct, you’ll arrive at the answer needed to proceed.
It’s not always simple, is the problem.
In Suzy’s Case, what lies behind the intricate legal tangle facing Tug is a most basic one—financial responsibility. While in Cookie’s Case, the active truth that slowly becomes revealed, as Tug digs deeper and deeper, connects to a more emotional motivation. After taking on Nelly’s Case, it’s only at its most dangerous moment that Tug comes to recognize how different the spur for each character’s behavior is. And only at the end of Elton’s Case does it become “crystal clear” why the City of New York offered to settle his case for millions while at the same time alleging Elton to be a fraudster.
In Jenna’s Case, we first see a young woman being taken against her will to a medical office and presented there as the potential pawn in in a personal injury scheme. But what happens next changes an already ugly plan into one even more despicable. And the challenge for Tug, as he seeks justice for his client, is realizing just how unscrupulous the target he aims to bring down actually is.
It’s ugly. Very. Just how horrid and dreadful? Well, you tell me. I’m just the writer. In this scenario, you’re the judge and jury. So … what’s your verdict?